Free Spirit Flight hang gliding club
Draht hill launch
Draht hill LZ
updated 3/16/23
Type: west-southwest facing, eastern training site, near Elmira, NY
Geography: countryside of farms and rolling hills
History: opened 1974 by FSF, flown continuously, formerly the site of national fun-meet Labor Day fly-ins
GPS Coordinates: 42.108199, -76.744958
Elevation: 1200’ MSL (50’ AGL), 1250’ MSL (100’ AGL), 1350’ MSL (200’ AGL), 1450’ MSL (300’ AGL)
Glide to LZ: 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1 respectively
Minimum Ratings & Skills: H2/P2 (H1/P1 w/ supervision) and FL
Best Wind direction/speed: WSW (250o ), 5-12 mph (sink likely beyond 230⁰-270⁰ range). Can be safely flown in smooth straight-in (240⁰-260⁰) wind to 12 mph with gusts to 15 mph, smooth 20 degrees crossed wind to 12 mph.
Description: moderately steep grassy slope without obstructions that could cause rotor or hinder running; altitudes for lower launches are approximate as pilots can carry gliders up the slope to launch from any level
Hazards: A hedgerow at the bottom of the slope needs to be overflown
Access: off paved rural road, across landowner’s lawn only with permission, 2WD accessible
Parking: alongside road unless permission granted for area immediately behind setup area, in open mowed f ield, space sufficient for 10+ vehicles
Setup: area immediately behind launch, in open mowed field, space sufficient for 10+ gliders
Control: property is privately owned, launch is maintained by FSF, use is regulated by FSF, subject to terms & conditions of landowner agreement, prior permission required
Landing Zone
GPS Coordinates: 42.108319, -76.751199
Description: at a distance of ¼ mile from top launch, a gently sloping 15-acre hayfield which drops off to the road on the south side, bordered by bushes and a few low trees
Hazards: field slopes down from SE to NW; landing in this direction is not recommended, SW to W being preferable
Access: paved 2-lane public roadway bordering south side of field, gated entrance in west corner
Parking: on side of road, vehicles prohibited in field, retrieval staging is accomplished near gate in west corner
Teardown: upon landing, immediately move glider from LZ to area in west corner of field
Control: property is privately owned, LZ is maintained by owner and usually planted in hay, use is regulated by FSF, subject to terms & conditions of landowner agreement
Visiting pilots/new members must be accompanied by Board-designated LOCAL members for access, site briefing, and flight activity. In order to fly the privately-owned site, landowner Jim Kolynich must be contacted beforehand, typically accomplished by a phone call to him at (607) 732-0034, prior to any ETA commitment. Place wind indicators prior to flying.
XC Options
XC potential is negligible; no one has flown XC from here; no defined route options, waypoints or LZs for landing out have been established.
Do not drive up and down the hill or into the LZ without special permission. The hill is not flyable when the LZ is being mowed due to an abundance of hay bales scattered about the field.
Safety Director: Jim Kolynich, 435 Draht Hill Rd, Elmira, NY 14901 (607-732-0034)